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Urgent Flood Donation

Jaco, Costa Rica

Jaco experienced one of their worst floods in history. Homes and businesses were destroyed. We saw how incredible and resilient this community is. Everyone donated and helped with clean up efforts. We knew we had to help and reach out for support. We are so thankful for our generous family who helped us gather donations. We were able to do multiple supermarket runs and provide families with groceries so they had a little less to worry about during these tough times

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El Rancho - Jaco, Costa Rica

Run by Doña Ana who founded the organization alongside her family. El Rancho is a place for the kids in the community to come together and have a safe space where they can share a meal.

Around lunch time the kids all start running to El Rancho to play and wait for their lunch. Doña Ana does not take any monetary donations, instead she receives food donations and school supplies.

They pray together and give thanks for all that they have. They organize school supply drives, birthday parties, and Christmas parties. Just about anything you can think of to try to give these amazing kids a great day and a reason to smile

They partner with other organizations in town to help supply food for the children so they know that they will always have a place to come to and enjoy a meal with their friends.

Illustration of Umbrella

Jaco Impact

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Bienestar animal

All animal lovers! We also collaborate with Jaco Impact on one of their incredible pillars of animal welfare. We have been so lucky to see so much of what Bienestar Animal has been able to accomplish. Day after day with new cases coming in, this incredible group joins in efforts to aid every type of animal rescue you can think of. Everything ranging from puppies having been abandoned or in accidents to malnourishment or even abuse cases, Bienestar Animal does it all. Such an incredible impact has been made to so many animals and we love showcasing all their efforts and the lives they have transformed.

BE a donOr

bE THE Change

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Backpack drive

Jaco, Costa Rica

Jaco impacts Annual Backpack Campaign! We were so excited to be a part of helping the children in the local community receive essential school supplies for this year.